Hazrat Umar ibn al-Khattab (may Allah be pleased with him) sent an army to fight against Rome, which also included a young Companion, Abdullah ibn Hudhafa ibn Qais al-Sahmi (may Allah be pleased with him). The battle between the Muslims and Caesar's army lasted a long time. Caesar was amazed at the bravery and steadfastness of the Muslims and ordered that if there were any prisoners of war among the Muslims, they should be brought. Abdullah ibn Hudhafah was brought in with handcuffs on his hands and feet. When Qaiser started talking to him, he was astonished by his intelligence. The following conversation took place between the two:

abdullah ibn hudhafa

Caesar: Accept Christianity and I will set you free.
Abdullah: I will not accept it.
Caesar: Accept Christianity and I will give you half the kingdom
Abdullah: No.
Caesar: I will accept Christianity and give you half of the kingdom and share in the rule
Abdullah: No, by Allah, if you give me your whole kingdom, the kingdom of your ancestors, the governments of Arabia and Ajam, I will not turn away from my religion in the blink of an eye.
Caesar became angry and said: I will kill you,
Abdullah: Kill me.

Caesar ordered them to be hung on a pillar and shot with arrows around them (to scare them) and then to be given the option of converting to Christianity or embracing death.
When the emperor saw that he had not been spoken to and that he was not ready to leave Islam under any circumstances, he ordered him to be imprisoned and to stop eating and drinking. Abdullah was not allowed to eat or drink until he was dying of thirst and hunger, so by the order of Caesar, wine and pork were presented to him.

When 'Abdullah saw this, he said: "By Allah, I know that I am the one for whom it is lawful, but I do not want to please the disbelievers." ۔ When this was told to Caesar, he ordered to bring the best food for Abdullah, after which a beautiful and beautiful girl was sent to him to tease him and show him an obscenity. He tried but Abdullah did not pay any attention to him and kept on remembering Allah.

When the girl saw this, she came out in anger and said: How did you send me to a man? I could not understand whether he was a man or a stone. By Allah, he didn't even know if I was male or female !!
When all Caesar's tactics failed and he became disillusioned with Abdullah, he called for a brass pot and heated it with oil and brought Abdullah in front of the pot and chained another Muslim prisoner. They were brought and they were picked up and thrown into the boiling oil. A scream came out and as soon as they saw it, their bones broke and they floated on the oil. Abdullah was watching this whole scene, now again. Caesar turned to Abdullah and offered to convert to Christianity and leave Islam, but Abdullah refused.

Caesar went mad with rage and ordered that the oil in the cauldron be lifted and poured on Abdullah's head when Caesar's servants pulled the cauldron close to Abdullah and Abdullah felt its heat. Did they start crying !!
Tears started dripping from those lucky eyes of yours who had seen the face of the Prophet (peace be upon him) Anwar.
Abdullah said: No.
Caesar: Then why did you cry?

Abdullah: By Allah, I am crying because I have only one soul that will be put in this pot ... It is my wish that I have lives equal to the hairs of my head and that they go out in the way of Allah one by one ...
On hearing this, Caesar said to Abdullah in a state of despair: Is it possible for you to kiss my head and I will set you free?
Abdullah: If you release all the Muslim prisoners with me, I am ready to kiss your head.
Caesar: All right.

Abdullah kissed the infidel to free the other Muslims with him and all the Muslims were released.
When he returned to Umar ibn al-Khattab and he was told of the incident, Umar said: It is the right of every Muslim to kiss the head of Abdullah ibn Hudhafah. Kissed God willing,
 Our children know that Superman, Iron Man, Batman.
These are heroes who are imaginary, and do not know who and how the real heroes are,
(Hayat Ashaba)
May Allah help everyone to learn and teach the knowledge of religion.