Hazrat Muhammad (PBUH) was visiting among his Companions when an orphaned young man came to the service to complain. He said, "I was building a wall around my palm garden when a palm tree of my neighbor came in the middle of the wall." I asked my neighbor to leave his palm tree for me so that I could straighten my wall. He refused, so I offered to buy that palm tree. My neighbor gave me a palm tree. Has also refused to sell the tree.

faithful story

The Prophet (PBUH) summoned the young man's neighbor. When the neighbor came, the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) complained to him about a young man who admitted that this was indeed the case. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said to him, "Leave your palm tree for this young man or sell that tree to the young man and take the price." The man refused in both cases.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) repeated his words. Sell ​​this palm tree to this young man and receive money, and you will find in Paradise a great palm tree whose shade will last for a hundred years.
The offer of a tree in Paradise in exchange for a tree of the world was so great that all the Companions present in the Majlis were stunned to hear it. Everyone was wondering how a person who owns such a great tree in heaven would be deprived of heaven and go to hell. But alas, the greed and lust for worldly possessions got in the way and the man refused to sell his palm tree.
One of the Companions (Aba Al-Dahdah) in the assembly came forward and asked the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), or the Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), if I could buy that tree and see this young man. Will the tree be found? He replied, "Yes, you will get that tree."
Abba al-Dahdah turned to the man and asked him, "Do you know my palm garden?" The man answered immediately; Why not, who in Madinah does not know the garden of six hundred palms of Abad al-Dahdah, a garden within which a palace has been built, a well of freshwater in the garden and the beautiful construction around the garden And the visible wall is visible from afar. All the merchants of Madinah are waiting to eat and buy the highest quality dates from your garden.

Abd al-Dahdah said at the end of the man's speech, "Then will you sell one of your palm trees for all my gardens, palaces, wells, and that beautiful wall?"
The man looked at the Prophet (PBUH) of the two worlds with uncertainty. Does the mind believe that in exchange for one palm he will get possession of the garden of six hundred palm trees of Ibadah? The matter seemed beneficial in every way. The Holy Prophet  (PBUH) and the Companions present in the Majlis testified and the matter was settled.
Abd al-Dahdah happily looked at the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) and asked Or the Messenger of Allah, may Allah bless him and grant him peace, did a palm tree of mine ripen in Paradise?
MUHAMMAD SALLALAHO ALAIHI SALLAM did not say. Abul-Dahdah was surprised by Sarkar's response. The meaning of what the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said while concluding his speech is as follows: God, the Lord of Glory, had to give a tree in Paradise in exchange for just one tree. You have given up your entire garden. God, the Lord of Glory, is incomparable in grace and grace. He has given you so many palm groves in Paradise because of the abundance of which the number of trees cannot be counted. Abul-Dahdah, how can I praise you for those fruit-laden trees? The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) kept repeating his words to such an extent that everyone present in the gathering began to long for him.
When they got up and returned home, they could not hide their happiness. From outside the house, he called out to his wife that he had sold the garden, the palace and the well, including the four walls.
The wife was well aware of her husband's business acumen and abilities, she asked her husband. How much has Abal Dahdah sold all this for?
Abd al-Dahdah said to his wife, "I have sold a tree here in exchange for a tree in Paradise, in the shade of which the rider will walk for a hundred years."
Abd al-Dahdah's wife said happily; Abaddah, you have made a profit deal. Abaddah, you have made a profit deal.
Musnad Ahmad 1/2,
The same incident is also briefly mentioned in Tafseer Ibn Katheer.